In 2020, photographer Avital Oehler and writer Jesse Russell Brooks produced a publication titled let’s not, and say we did. This limited edition photo chapbook successfully raised funding to publish a larger work of photography & text.

The subject: Suburbia’s obsession with permanence.

The duo workshopped two years in preparation to produce a second print iteration. While examining potential modes of publication, an important developmental step emerged: The project must embrace a communal effort to genuinely understand the constructs of suburbia, its fears, sense of safety, and illusions of control.

The result is PERMASTATES.

PERMASTATES is a world created on a mountain of voices. In order to build and sustain this world, we call for the contributions of artists of all backgrounds and experience levels. Help us build the PERMASTATE: an artist-led biannual intricately crafted book object.


To make a purchase, click here

To learn more about our Open Call for Art, click here